Homework Policy Review

The Homework Policy is under current review. As homework is an important home/ school link, we would like to consider parent feedback in the policy review. Can you please take the time to complete the questionnaire by no later than June 14th 2013.


Homework Policy (under review)

Homework includes both memory and written work.  The purpose of homework is:

  • To encourage and develop the habit of independent study.
  • To consolidate daily schoolwork.
  • To learn how to organise and use free time
  • To include parents in their child’s education.


Guidelines on doing homework

  • Help and encourage your child but do not do his/her homework for him/her.
  • Establish a set routine and time for your child to do his/her homework.
  • A quiet place, free of distractions, though not always possible is preferable for homework.
  • Please check your child’s homework each night and sign the journal when you are satisfied that the work is completed to the best of his/her ability. This encourages greater effort and neatness and is an important home/school link.



Sample time guidelines for homework:

Junior and Senior Infants 5 - 10 minutes

(Informal homework such as the Paired Reading Scheme, sight words, reading )

First Class.15 – 20 minutes.
Second Class. 20 – 30 minutes.
Third and Fourth Class. 30 – 40 minutes.
Fifth and Sixth class.  40 – 60 minutes.


If your child is having consistent difficulty with homework or is spending well in excess of the recommended time completing it, please speak with the Class Teacher.

There are 9 questions in this survey.