Collections during the School Day
If you need to collect your child during the school day, please do not do so during break times (10.20-10.30am and 12.00-12.30pm) as the children will be on yard at these times. All children must be signed out at Reception before leaving the school premises. Your cooperation in this matter would be very much appreciated.
Change of Contact Details
If you have changed your mobile number since your child started school with us, please fill in a Change of Contact Details Form which is available from the office. Please ensure any changes to your contact details are advised on this form. This will ensure that you receive all communications promptly.
Access to Classrooms After-Hours
With the exception of those attending Extra Curricular Activities, children are not permitted to re-enter the classroom after 2.10pm. If in an absolute emergency (forgotten books and general belongings is not an emergency!) a child needs to gain access to his/her classroom outside school hours, the following procedure must be followed:
All school personnel have been made aware of this procedure and have been asked to ensure it is followed.
Phones for Boards
The Jack & Jill Foundation in association with Promethean are inviting schools to collect and swap unwanted mobile phones for a new Promethean interactive whiteboard. We have registered for this campaign. The deal is for every 300 old mobile phones collected, participating schools earn a 78inch Promethean ActivBoard. See for further information. A collection box is in place inside the main door of the school. Perhaps you could ask family and friends who may have received a new mobile phone for Christmas to help us to acquire a new Interactive Whiteboard for the school by donating their old mobile phone!
Luttrellstown Community College
The assessment for incoming First Years (September 2010) will take place on Saturday 06 February 2010 at 9.15am in Luttrellstown Community College.
An Information Meeting for parents of incoming First Years will take place here in the Diswellstown Community & Recreation Centre on Wednesday 10 February from 7.30pm-9.00pm. Please note this meeting is for parents only.
Cycling Safety & Skills Course
A course in cycling safety training is being run by the Cycling Safety and Skills School for 5th Class children. The course will take place on school grounds. Full details will be provided in the next week.
Careless Parking
Careless Parking at schools is an issue that has been constantly raised at Safer Blanchardstown Public Meetings. We have been advised by the coordinator of Safer Blanchardstown that Gardaí are commencing a new initiative on Monday 25 January whereby they will select schools at random for a targeted response. This initiative will continue for the whole of 2010. Any vehicles found to be illegally parked will be ticketed with the appropriate fine.
Extra Curricular Activities
Shreddies Dublin Parks Tennis
Registration for Shreddies Dublin Parks Tennis takes place on Saturday 30 January in Riverwood Tennis Courts. Information leaflets are available from beside the Parent Information Notice Board.
RAD Ballet, Modern and Tap Classes
RAD Ballet, Modern and Tap classes available: Wednesday 4-4.45pm Ballet 4 yrs to 6 yrs; Wednesday 4.45pm-5.30pm Ballet 7 yrs and up. (Both in St Patrick's National School). For information please contact Jenny directly on 086 3139049.
French for Children - La Jolie Ronde French classes 3-12 years
Come and join the cast of over 90 children learning French the fun way at St. Patrick's School in Diswellstown Community Centre. Classes on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays here in St. Patricks. Newcomers and friends from other schools are welcome to join with you. Classes are suitable for all children, boys or girls, big or small from Junior Infant up to 6th class, grouped per age. French native teachers. Pre-school class also. Contact Sabine Maher now on 087 227 9027 or 01 442 8237. Merci beaucoup!
La Jolie Ronde Spanish Classes (3 - 12 year olds)
Don't miss out! Primary School is the right age for your children to be learning a new language! Learn Spanish - locally & at St Patrick's NS/DCRC. Extra classes also now starting this term at St Patrick's NS Tuesdays, Wednesdays , Thursdays (from 1.15PM on) and Saturdays from 9.30AM. These carefully structured and highly successful yet fun classes are proving very popular. Phone/text/email me at 822 7629 / 087 267 4809 / to enrol your children and/or for further details and enrollment pack. Muchas gracias, Mary Galvin
Children of Lir Gymnastics Club
Children of Lir Gymnastics Club has brought forward its plans to introduce into its Saturday schedule "Acrobatic Gymnastics". This discipline could be described as an infusion of choreography, acrobatic skills & balances to music. It is all about team work and the categories are Men's Pair, Women's Pair, Mixed Pair, Women's Trio, Men's Four. It is open to 6yrs+, class time 11.15am-12.45pm, more information can be found on or call the Club on 085-7218511