Sport for all Day for 1st & 2nd Class
This takes place on Wednesday 19 May, weather permitting. Children should wear their school track-suit and their school t-shirt. They should bring their school-bag as normal. They should also bring their lunch and drink/s preferably packed in a lunchbox or bag.
School Running Kits
Can all cross country runners please return their running kits (t-shirts & shorts) directly to Mrs Soulsby ASAP. The children have "signed these out" and must have them "signed back in" again.
Urgent - Volunteers Needed for Confirmation Reception
Many thanks to those who have already volunteered to help with the Confirmation reception, however we need more urgently. If you are available Tuesday 25th May, 9.15 -11.30 for set up and/or 12-2.30 for reception & clean up please phone/text Colette Hoban 0879380380.
Volunteers needed for Confirmation Robe Collection
We are looking for four or five parents to help take the Confirmation Robes from the children, when they leave St Mochta's Church following their Confirmation Ceremony. If you are available on Tuesday, 25th May from 12.30pm-1pm, please text Marie on 0879935551.
Return of Sponsored Walk Monies
Thank you to all the families who ventured out on Sunday 25th April to support our Annual Sponsored Walk. Please ensure that all sponsored walk monies are collected and returned to the school as soon as possible. We will advise of the total raised when all monies have been counted.
St Patrick's Parents for Business Network Directory
Parents, Dont Forget, if you are looking for any product or service, check out the St Patrick's Parents Directory @ first! There are a wide variety of products & services on offer from Parents in St Patrick's. The directory listing will be in the School Journal from September. If you are not on the list, let us know as soon as possible so you do not miss out. Email
Moving House?
If you are moving house and your child will not be returning to St Patrick's in the new school year, it is vital that you make contact with the class teacher or the Main Office as soon as possible as it will be necessary for you to complete a Transfer Form. We have a number of children on waiting lists for all classes and we would like to be able to contact these parents as soon as possible.
Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents' mobile numbers) for your child on our database in order for you to receive your child/children's school reports, end of year letters, etc or to make contact with you if your child should fall ill during the school day. If any of your details have changed since the beginning of the school year, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form, available from the office.
Pupils are not permitted to wear make-up to school or to any other activity being run by the school, whether or not on school premises. This includes gel nails, false nails, fake tan and any form of eye make-up.
Study with Trinity College Dublin
Inactivity is a contributor to many health problems in both adults and children. The first step to improving people's lifestyles is identifying the amount of planned and unplanned physical activity that they are participating in. Jennifer Ryan is a physiotherapist working in Trinity College who is looking for children between the ages of 6 and 18 to participate in a study on how best to monitor physical activity. As part of the study, your child's resting metabolic rate (i.e. the amount of energy they use day to day before exercising), body composition and other health markers will be measured. For further information on this study or if you are interested in participating, please contact Jennifer through the school email, marking your email "For the attention of Jennifer, TCD Study".
Lost & Found
A ring was found and a pair of Purple Sunglasses was lost at the Communion Reception on Saturday. Also two pairs of children's glasses have recently been found. Please contact the office.
Trócaire will be coming to the school on Monday 17 May to collect Trócaire Boxes. If you have not yet returned your Trócaire donation to the school or church, please ensure it is sent to the school on Monday. This will be the only collection date in the school for Trócaire Boxes.
Scooters/Bicycles on School Grounds
We are asking that, in the interest of everyone's safety, all cyclists (pupils, parents & siblings) dismount from their bicycles/scooters at the main gates of the school avenue and walk the remaining distance. Please note the use of Bicycles, Scooters, Rollerblades or "Heelys" is not permitted on school grounds.
Extra Curricular Activities
Summer Music Camp 2010
This year the camp will run from Monday 19th to Friday 23rd July in St. Patrick's Diswellstown, 9:30am - 1:00pm. Get Fit Dance Academy are back (every day this year), Seamus will teach guitar, Geraldine will focus on songs from the musical 'Hairspray' and selections from the hit TV series 'Glee' and Jenny will be adding XFactor pieces to her piano repertoire. If you would like to join the fun and book your child(ren) in please ring 085 1595118 and leave a message.