☼ Summer Break ☼
The school will close at 11.30am on Wednesday 30 June for Summer Break. Children may wear their favourite T-Shirt/Jersey with their school tracksuit bottoms. The school will reopen on Wednesday 01 September for Senior Infants to Sixth Class and Thursday 02 September for Junior Infants.
Support Provision for 2010-2011
Parents of children who will receive Learning/Language support will be informed early in the new School Year.
Many thanks to those parents who sent emails re the 6th Class Graduation, etc. Your kind messages have been passed on.
Moving House?
If you are moving house and your child will not be returning to St Patrick's in the new school year, it is vital that you make contact with the class teacher or the Main Office as soon as possible as it will be necessary for you to complete a Transfer Form. We have a number of children on waiting lists for all classes and we would like to be able to contact these parents as soon as possible.
Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents' mobile numbers) for your child on our database in order for you to receive your child/children's school reports, end of year letters, etc or to make contact with you if your child should fall ill during the school day. If any of your details have changed since the beginning of the school year, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form, available from the office.
Provisional Teachers List
A copy of the Provisional Teachers List for next year will be included with your child's School Report which will be posted out to you early next week. It will also be available to view on our website. Please note there may still be minor changes to classroom allocation before the September start.
Should any families be happy to donate schoolbooks which they no longer need to the school, we would be delighted to receive them on the last day of term.
Free Book Scheme
If you are in need of support with regard to School Books, please contact the school immediately.
If you have uniform items in good condition that you no longer require, St Vincent de Paul will be happy to accept them at their Blanchardstown Store.