Safety Concern
Concerns have been raised regarding small children sitting on the edge of the footpath on the main road at collections times. We would ask all parents to discourage this.
Eid Mubarak
This week marks the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan for Muslims around the world. We would like to wish Eid Mubarak to all the children in our school (and their families) who are celebrating Eid this weekend.
Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents’ mobile numbers) for your child on our database. If any of your details have changed over the summer, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form as soon as possible.
Procedure for Entry to School Building
St Patrick’s N.S. opens for classes at 8.30am. Once the class has lined up and is brought in, the door will be closed. If your child arrives after the door has closed, they should follow the procedure below:
Dropping in lunches, bags, homework etc.
It would be greatly appreciated that if you are dropping in any of your child’s forgotten belongings e.g. lunches, bags, homework, etc., that they are clearly marked with your child’s name and their class teacher.
Labelling/Lost Property
The chances of returning lost property are greatly increased if items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Healthy Lunch Policy
We operate a Healthy Lunch Policy in the school. Fizzy drinks, crisps or sweets are not permitted. On Friday, children are allowed one treat, e.g. a bar. Please help us maintain the health of our children by following the guidelines in the School Booklet which is available to view at
Hand Towels
We request that every child brings a small hand towel/facecloth to dry his/her hands after using the WC. This should be kept in a school bag pocket and changed regularly.
Bedtime for School-going children
Health professionals recommend that “A school child usually needs to sleep about 10 hours every night. Children who don’t get a good night's sleep cannot get the best out of school the next day.”
Homework Club
Homework Club (Monday to Thursday) will commence on 20 September. There are a limited number of places available so if you are interested, please complete an Application Form which is available from the Parents Information Notice Board and return to the office with payment (€3 per session).
“Rainbows” is a peer support group for children from 1st to 6th class. The programme benefits children who have experienced a bereavement or separation of a close family member or friend. Rainbows 2010/11 will commence soon in St. Mochta’s Pastoral Centre. If you believe your child would benefit from this programme, please contact to register your child/children. More info available on
Tigers After School Care
There are a number of places left in the “Hour Club” (1.10pm – 2.10pm). Please contact Tigers directly on 086 2253781. For more information or to download Information Pack, please see
Happy Events – Uniform Sales
Happy Events are offering the school a percentage of the total price of uniform items purchased by parents. If you have not yet returned the completed form and receipts to Happy Events, you may either return it directly to the Shop or you may place it in the collection box at the School Office. Please note forms must be returned by the end of September.
Extra Curricular Activities
Irish Club
Irish Club will commence on 28 September. Applications Forms have been distributed to the 5th and 6th Class children. Anyone interested should return their completed form directly to Ms Barrins as soon as possible.
Tennis Coaching 2nd-6th
Karl Purcell, Tennis Ireland Coach, is returning to St Patrick’s again and will begin an 8-week indoor tennis coaching course for 2nd-6th class children on Tuesday 21st September. The course will continue every Tuesday from 3.05pm-4.00pm. All equipment will be provided. The cost of the full 8-week course is 25 euros and this should be paid to the school at the first session. Further details will be given to those children who have signed up for it.
Volleyball/Spikeball 2nd-6th
Laurent Couet (coach to Ireland’s National Volleyball Team) will resume volleyball coaching this year. Priority will be given to older children. The first session will take place on Wednesday 22nd from 3.05pm-4.00pm.and the course will run for 8 weeks. The cost of the course is 25 euros and this should be paid to the school at the first session. Further details will be made available in school to those children who have signed up. Note: There are a few more places still available.
Table-tennis 2nd – 6th
Table tennis will begin on Thursday 23rd September from 3.05pm-4.00pm. (max of 15 participants). Priority will be given to older children. The course will run for 8 weeks and the cost will be 25 euros which should be paid directly to the school at the first session.
Badminton 2nd – 6th
On Friday 24th September, Jackie Killoch (Badminton Ireland) will begin a course of 8 lessons for children from 2nd – 6th class. Classes will run each Friday from 2.10 – 3.05 (for younger children) and 3.05-4.00 (for older children). The cost of the course is 25 euros and should be paid directly to the school at the first session. Further details will be made available in school to those children who have signed up.
Note: There are a few more places still available.
Speech & Drama (Thursdays)
Wizard of Oz/Hannah Montana/Glee – some of the scenes in Platform Stage Schools end of year show in Draiocht Theatre. Classes will re-commence on Thursday 9th September. 1.15– 2.00pm - Junior & Senior infants; 2.15 – 3.15pm - Older classes. Fees for Term of 10 weeks are as follows: Junior & Senior infants - €90 euro per term; Older classes - €110 euro per term. Places still available. Please contact Liz Brennan directly at 086 2245113 for enquiries and bookings.
Musical Theatre, Drama & Singing Classes
The new term will begin on Tuesday, 21 September in St. Patrick’s N.S. There are limited places available in the 1.10 – 2.10 pm class for Junior and Senior Infants and in the 2.10 – 3.10 pm class from 1st Class upwards. Beginners welcome. For further details please contact Toni Martin at 087 7913714 or email
Art and Craft
Art and Craft workshops will resume in September on Mondays from 2.10pm – 3.45pm. All ages catered for. Further details are available from Blathnaid O’Brien Donovan B.Ed (Hons) H.Dip (Hons) 087 4123247.
Downey Lanigan Academy of Irish Dance
New term starting in St Patrick’s N.S. from Tuesday September14th (for Junior and Senior Infants). For further information please contact: Bernadette Downey-Lanigan A.D.C.R.G. 0876204772. Beginners are welcome.
Touch-Type, Read and Spell
Touch-type, Read and Spell is a computer based literacy course for children with Dyslexia and other learning difficulties. It is being run locally in Castleknock Community College on Wednesday afternoons for 1 hour during school term time –2 classes – 3-4 p.m. and 4.30-5.30 p.m. To reserve a place or for further details, please contact Carol on 087 2868910. Why not check out the website for further information on how the course might benefit your child.
Shreddies Dublin Parks Tennis
Registration takes place on Saturday 25 September from 10am onwards. For more info, please see the Parents Information Notice Board.
Little Whiz Kids Computer Training
Attn Senior Infant Parents: Little Whiz Kids Computer Training commencing this Monday 13th September 1.10pm - 2.10pm. 8 Wk Course @ €90. Places available,please ring to confirm: (Irene Hesse-Mason) 087 - 66 95 920 E-mail: Website:
French for Children (3 – 12 year olds)
Fun classes & excellent materials & methodology (la Jolie Ronde) including own book & CD so learning can continue at home. A few places are still available for Monday, Thursday and Saturday classes. For further information please contact Sabine 087 227 9027
Spanish for Children (3 - 12 year olds)
Fun classes & excellent materials & methodology (la Jolie Ronde) including own
book & CD so learningcan continue at home.New term just started in St Patrick’s NS, Mondays,Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1.10PM! For more information please contact, Mary on 087 267 4809 or check our
Diswellstown Recreation & Community Centre
“An Introduction to Sewing” Class
“An Introduction to Sewing” Class will commence on Wednesday 22 September from 7.00pm – 8.00pm. If interested, please call Angela on 086 8430572.