PE Timetable
The following is the updated PE Timetable for this school year. With 26 classes in the school, it is only possible to have one formal PE session per week. The second day listed below (in italics) for your child’s class will be an informal PE session. The school tracksuit should be worn only on the two designated P.E. days but will be permitted on days when children are involved in extra curricular sporting activities.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Ms Murray |
Ms Campbell |
Ms Rothwell |
Ms Barr |
Mr Walsh |
Ms Weir |
Ms M McDermott |
Mrs Jennings |
Ms M O’Reilly |
Break |
Ms Gannon/Ms Cusack |
Ms Barrins |
Ms L McDermott |
Mr Heneghan |
Ms Harte |
Ms Nolan |
Ms O’Callaghan |
Mr Roache |
Lunch |
Mr MacConámha |
Mr Monaghan |
Ms Merrigan |
Mr O’Neill |
Ms Parker |
Ms Threadgold |
Mr Thynne |
Ms Quinn |
Ms English |
Mr Roache |
Mrs Jennings |
Mr Heneghan |
Ms Harte |
Ms Rothwell |
Ms L McDermott |
Ms M O’Reilly |
Mr Walsh |
Ms Campbell |
Ms Gannon/Ms Cusack |
Ms Barrins |
Ms S O’Callaghan |
Ms Threadgold |
Ms Murray |
Mr Monaghan |
Ms Nolan |
Ms English |
Ms Weir |
Ms Quinn |
Mr O’Neill |
Mr Thynne |
Ms Merrigan |
Ms Barr |
Mr MacConámha |
Ms M McDermott |
Please note Ms Parker’s second day will be advised early next week.
Luttrellstown Community College
An Information evening for parents of 2011 applicants will be held in Blanchardstown Library on Thursday 23 September at 7pm. This is a parent only night. A leaflet with more information has been given to each 6th class child in the school.
Castleknock Community College
A reminder to parents of all 6th class children that applications for First Year September 2011 must be returned to Castleknock Community College by Thursday 30 September (4pm).
For your information and to ensure forgotten lunches arrive in time, the following are the breaktimes for the children.
Junior & Senior Infants
10.20-10.30am Small portable snack taken to yard for eating under supervision
10.30-10.50am Eating time in the classroom
12.00-12.30pm Any remaining food can be taken to yard to be finished under supervision.
First Class upwards
10.20-10.30am Small portable snack taken to yard for eating under supervision
11.45-12.00noon Foods not suitable for outdoor eating can be eaten in the classroom
12.00-12.30pm Any remaining food can be taken to yard to be finished under supervision.
St Patrick’s Parents Directory
Your First Choice for Products and Services supplied by parents. Visit for more information.
Sick Children
There is no need to telephone the school if your child is sick, unless the illness is contagious. Parents should acknowledge their child’s absence from school on their return, in writing, in the child’s School Journal.
Meeting with Teachers
All questions/queries re school should be directed initially to the class teacher. Please contact the school secretary to make an appointment. (For safety reasons it is not possible for class teachers to meet with parents without an appointment as supervision arrangements have to be put in place. For the same safety reasons, teachers cannot take or make phone calls during class time). Parents of Infant children may be able to have a quick informal word with the class teacher when collecting their child at home time.
Access to Classrooms After Hours
With the exception of those attending Extra Curricular Activities, children are not permitted to re-enter the classroom after 2.10pm. If in an absolute emergency (forgotten books and general belongings is not an emergency!) a child needs to gain access to his/her classroom outside school hours, the following procedure must be followed:
All school personnel have been made aware of this procedure and have been asked to ensure it is followed. This procedure has been put in place to prevent further loss or damage to school property.
Science Club/Science Committee
What is Science? Science is about people developing an understanding of the world around us and how different parts of that world interact with each other.
Nowadays, we often hear of the importance of science to our economy and to the success of future generations. With this in mind, a number of parents and teachers came together a few years ago, to discuss how they could best promote an interest in science amongst the children in the school. The outcome: an informal science committee was set up with the aim of promoting Science within our school and sowing the seeds of interest in science and engineering at an early age.
Resulting from that, an after school Science Club was set up in the school three years ago. It is for our 5th class pupils and it is held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month for the duration of 1-1.5 hrs. This is provided to approx 25 children. It has proved a great success with the children and helped to heighten their interest in science related matters.
Some of the lessons/workshops we have given ourselves (committee members) but more frequently in the last couple of years, we had a number of very good speakers come in to us (outreach programmes from industry/universities), to speak with the children, to give demonstrations and to carry out hands-on activities. Also, we have gone on visits to IBM, “Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown” and “Luttrellstown Community College”.
Firstly, the school would like to acknowledge and thank John McCarthy, Lisa Raftery, Mike Kehoe and Noreen Hudson for their time and energy over the years in assisting the Science Club in many different ways. We would also like to hear from any other parents who feel that they might have something to offer the science committee/Science Club. You may have a science, a medical or
engineering background or be working in a related field and have valuable contacts. You might be willing to offer your time to come into a Science Club workshop and give a demonstration/talk (or you could know someone who might be willing to do similar). Or you may just have a few cool ideas which help us to keep changing and making it more interesting for the children. Either way, the science committee is happy to hear from you. Please email us at
Rain Jackets/Wet Weather
We would ask all parents to ensure that their children have a rain jacket with them at school and that they are encouraged to wear it to/from school and at break times during the school day.
Extra Curricular Activities
Tennis/Volleyball/Table-tennis/ Badminton
Tennis begins on Tuesday 21 September at 3.05pm.
Volleyball begins on Wednesday 22 September at 3.05pm.
Table-tennis begins on Thursday 23 September at 3.05pm.
Badminton classes for 2nd, 3rd & 4th Class children who have already registered will commence next Friday 24 September at 2.10pm and 5th & 6th Class children will commence at 3.05pm. There are still a limited number of spaces available in both sessions.
Speech & Drama (Thursdays)
Wizard of Oz/Hannah Montana/Glee – some of the scenes in Platform Stage Schools end of year show in Draiocht Theatre. Classes will re-commence on Thursday 9th September. 1.15– 2.00pm - Junior & Senior infants; 2.15 – 3.15pm - Older classes. Fees for Term of 10 weeks are as follows: Junior & Senior infants - €90 euro per term; Older classes - €110 euro per term. Places still available. Please contact Liz Brennan directly at 086 2245113 for enquiries and bookings.
Small Class Sizes – Confidence Building - Mime –Movement – Theatre Games –
Puppetry – Storytelling –Creative Drama - Poetry - Speech Work – Drama Exams
Speech and Drama classes for junior infants to sixth class students held every Wednesday at St. Patricks NS during the following times: 1.10-2.10pm - Junior & Senior Infants; 2.10-3.10pm – First & Second Class; 3.15-4.15pm - Third & Fourth Class; 4.15 - 5.15pm - Fifth & Sixth Class. Limited places still available, for further details contact Clodagh Rycraft on 086 37360.
Musical Theatre, Drama & Singing Classes
The new term will begin on Tuesday, 21 September in St. Patrick’s N.S. There are limited places available in the 1.10 – 2.10 pm class for Junior and Senior Infants and in the 2.10 – 3.10 pm class from 1st Class upwards. Beginners welcome. For further details please contact Toni Martin at 087 7913714 or email
Art and Craft
Art and Craft workshops will resume on 27 September on Mondays from 2.10pm – 3.45pm. All ages catered for. A limited number of places are still available. Please contact Blathnaid O’Brien Donovan B.Ed (Hons) H.Dip (Hons) 087 4123247.
Downey Lanigan Academy of Irish Dance
New term started in St Patrick’s N.S. from Tuesday September 14th (for Junior and Senior Infants). For further information please contact: Bernadette Downey-Lanigan A.D.C.R.G. 0876204772. Beginners are welcome.
Touch-Type, Read and Spell
Touch-type, Read and Spell is a computer based literacy course for children with Dyslexia and other learning difficulties. It is being run locally in Castleknock Community College on Wednesday afternoons for 1 hour during school term time –2 classes – 3-4 p.m. and 4.30-5.30 p.m. To reserve a place or for further details, please contact Carol on 087 2868910. Why not check out the website for further information on how the course might benefit your child.
Shreddies Dublin Parks Tennis
Registration takes place on Saturday 25 September from 10am onwards. For more info, please see the Parents Information Notice Board.
Little Whiz Kids Computer Training
Attn Senior Infant Parents: Little Whiz Kids Computer Training commencing this Monday 13th September 1.10pm - 2.10pm. 8 Wk Course @ €90. Places available, please ring to confirm: (Irene Hesse-Mason) 087 - 66 95 920 E-mail: Website:
French for Children (3 – 12 year olds per age group)
Fun classes & excellent materials & methodology (la Jolie Ronde) including own book & CD so learning can continue at home. New classes starting on Monday 20th September, great preparation for secondary school. Arrange your trial class by contacting Sabine 087 227 9027
Spanish for Children (3 - 12 year olds)
Fun classes & excellent materials & methodology (la Jolie Ronde) including own
book & CD so learning can continue at home. New term just started in St Patrick’s NS,
Mondays,Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1.10PM! For more information please contact, Mary on 087 267 4809 or check our
Diswellstown Recreation & Community Centre
“An Introduction to Sewing” Class
“An Introduction to Sewing” Class will commence on Wednesday 22 September from 7.00pm – 8.00pm. If interested, please call Angela on 086 8430572.
“Krafty Kids” Arts and Crafts Classes
Wednesdays from 4-5PM. We are a very small class of 10 children max, places available. Individual attention.... two teachers. All materials included. For further info: Patricia 8213073
Chester School of Dance
Little Stars Pre School Class (Age 2½+) – 4.30pm; Tiny Tots Ballet & Dance (Age 4+) – 5.00pm;
Hip Hop & Freestyle (Age 5+) – 5.45pm; Classical Ballet & Theatre Craft (Age 6+) – 6.30pm;
Adult Ballet Intermediate Level – 7.15pm (If interested in Beginners Adult Ballet Sara for waiting List)
(Tap Dancing for Children Saturday Only in Dunboyne Community Centre)
For more details phone or text Sara on 087 7923955