St. Patrick's National School, Diswellstown, Castleknock.

Email: Phone: 01 824 9930 Fax: 01 824 9928

Address: Diswellstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 PH21.

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Newsletters Archived

Week Ending 1st October 2010

Junior Infants September 2011
Application Forms will be available from the office from Monday 04 October onwards.  Registration will take place on 15, 16 and 17 November 2010.

Staff Meeting
A Staff Meeting will take place on Monday 11 October.
All children will go home at 12.00noon.

Meet & Greet Mornings
We are holding a series of informal meetings at 8.45am with the parents of each class grouping.  The meetings will take place in the Tigers Room on the dates listed below.  We request that you enter the school via the Diswellstown Door (Tigers Entrance) and up the blue stairs rather than through the main school entrance.





Fifth Class

Monday 04 Oct

Sixth Class

Tuesday 05 Oct

Junior Infant

Wednesday 06 Oct



First Holy Communion Parents Meeting
First Holy Communion Parents Meeting takes place on Thursday 7 October at 8pm in St Mochta’s Parish Centre.

Contribution towards Curriculum Expenses (Extras Fee)
We are very aware that we are living in times of financial difficulty and have minimised school expenses as much as possible.  However, funding is required for photocopying, visual arts materials, parallel readers, IT software and shared text books.  Your contribution is invaluable in subsidising these curriculum resources.  The contribution for the 2010/2011 School Year has remained the same as the last number of years, €75 for Junior Infants and €68 for Senior Infants to Sixth Class pupils.  An envelope will be given to the eldest child in each family early next week.  If your envelope is mislaid or damaged, a supply will be available for collection at Reception. As there are approx 740 pupils in the school, we ask that you return your fee in the envelope provided only to assist in the tracking of payments.  Cheques/Postal Orders/Bank Drafts should be made out to “St Patrick’s N.S.”  We would like to thank you for your generosity in the past and look forward to your continuing support in the future. 

Coffee Morning in Aid of the Pakistan Flood Relief Fund
A Coffee Morning is being organised in the school on Monday, 11th October from 10.30am - 11.45am.  It will take place in the School Hall and all are very welcome to attend before collecting their children at 12noon (Staff Meeting Day). You can make whatever donation you wish and enjoy a cuppa.  We would welcome donations of cakes/buns/scones, etc at the school at drop-off time at 8.30am on the morning or any time up to 10.30am - they will be served with your cup of coffee/tee.  We look forward to your support for this very worthwhile cause - come along and enjoy the cuppa and a chat.

Lost Property
Any property not claimed from the Lost Property press by Friday 22 October will be donated to Saint Vincent de Paul.  If your child is missing any items, please take a look in the Lost Property press, inside the Blanchardstown door, at pick-up time.
St Patricks NS Annual Christmas Fair Sunday 28th Nov 2010 
While Christmas may be a distant thought for many of us, the eager elves on the Christmas Fair committee are getting into the Christmas spirit already.  The date has been set - Sunday 28th November and this is a just an early reminder for you all to put the date into your diary before it gets filled with other festive celebrations!  The Christmas Fair has always been a huge success in the past thanks to all the support of staff, pupils and parents - let's make this year our best fair yet.  All of the money raised by the fair goes back into the school and is used to contribute to all the extra facilities and equipment that our children enjoy in St Patricks.  We will be looking for donations of books, toys, costume jewellery, etc nearer the time so if you have anything that might be suitable please set it aside for us.  In the meantime if you  have any suggestions or would like to be involved in organising the fair or helping on the day just contact either Bridin on 086 3845931 or Karen on 087 4187253.

Tigers After School Care
There are a number of places left in the “Hour Club” (1.10pm – 2.10pm). Please contact Tigers directly on 086 2253781. For more information or to download Information Pack, please see

Extra Curricular Activities
"The Racketeers" Mini-Tennis Open Day
On Thursday 7th October, two coaches from "The Racketeers" mini tennis are visiting the school. Throughout the day they will be giving free classes to many of our classes to demonstrate what they do.  "The Racketeers" will be organising coaching sessions in the Community Centre (after 4.00pm) once a week, commencing in the near future. If you have any questions or are interested in signing up, the coaches can be contacted on 086 2117412.

Don’t Lose the Head – Workshop for Parents
As part of Blanchardstown Community Safety and Drug Awareness week, Crosscare is offering this workshop for parents who would like to communicate effectively with their children  around drug & alcohol issues.  It’s free of charge and all participants receive a free book on the subject.  Presented by Crosscare Drug and Alcohol Programme. Thursday 7th October, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Blanchardstown Centre – 9.45 am – 11.45 am All Welcome. For more information visit; or

St Patrick’s Parents for Business Network Directory
Your First Choice for Products and Services supplied by parents.
Visit for more information or see insert in your child’s
Homework Journal.
Thank you to Impack Design Graphic & Packaging Design for their sponsorship of our Homework Journal.