Communion Enrolment Ceremony
The Communion Enrolment Ceremony will take place on Thursday 21 October at 7pm in St Mochta’s Church.
Staff Car Park – Safety and Security Issues
For safety reasons, only staff cars are allowed into the car park during school hours. Recently, members of staff have raised serious concerns re cars parking in the Staff Car Park and children being dropped off/collected and sent through the car park when entering/exiting school grounds. This is an extremely unsafe practice. For your child/children’s safety, children should only be dropped off/collected at the Pedestrian Entrance and the following procedure should be adhered to:
Newly elected PA Committee
The Parents' Association (PA) elected its new committee last week. Congratulations to the new Chairperson, Olivier Santamaria. Many thanks to the outgoing Chairperson, Marie McCarthy, for all her hard work on the PA. The newly elected Treasurer is Karen Kearney, and Secretary, Julie Barbour. As always, we look forward to the support of all the parents for St Patrick's in the coming year.
Coffee Morning in aid of the Pakistan Flood Relief Fund
On Monday last the Parents Association organised a coffee morning for parents in aid of the Pakistan Flood Relief fund. A sincere thank you to the parents who baked or donated cakes, to Superquinn, Blanchardstown and to BB's, Blanchardstown Shopping Centre for their very generous support. And thank you to all those who financially donated, we are pleased to announce that the sum of €722.66 was raised. This money will be divided between Concern and UNICEF, two charitable organisations who are working on the ground in Pakistan. Please note, it is not too late to send in a donation if you still wish to contribute.
Contribution towards Curriculum Expenses (Extras Fee)
As there are approx 740 pupils in the school, we ask that you return your fee in the envelope provided only to assist in the tracking of payments. Please ensure you include each child’s class teacher’s name. If you did not receive your envelope or if it is mislaid or damaged, a replacement is available for collection at Reception.
Upcoming Choir Events
The children in the Friday Choir and Choral Scholars have an exciting and busy year ahead. They will be performing in 2 concerts; A Christmas concert called "The Music Box, A Christmas Extravaganza" held in the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum with Peter Corry and a Gala Concert in the National Concert Hall, Dublin organised by Irene Thompson. Further details re tickets and times to follow. Transport will be organised and paid for by both event organisers, for the children to and from the events. The concert in the North will be on Sunday 19th December 2010 and the concert in Dublin will be on Tuesday the 1st February 2011.
Lost Property
Any property not claimed from the Lost Property Press by Friday 22 October will be donated to Saint Vincent de Paul. If your child is missing any items, please take a look in the Lost Property Press, inside the Blanchardstown door, at pick-up time.
Cross Country Running
“On Tuesday, over fifty children went to Porterstown to complete in Cross Country running. Aaron in 3rd Class came first for St Patrick’s. Everyone had lots of fun!” (Ben & Greta – Third Class)
Children’s Book Festival
Children’s Book Festival is being celebrating in bookshops and libraries all over Ireland again this October. Every child in the school has received an official book festival bookmark or sticker. There are a small number of free BookFest guides available at reception. For more information about events taking place see
Extra Curricular Activities
Spanish for Children
For information please see or contact 087 267 4809 / Reminder: No classes 25th – 29th October (mid-term) Gracias!