Junior Infants September 2011
Application Forms will be available from the office from Monday 04 October onwards. Registration will take place on 15, 16 and 17 November 2010.
Celtic Travelling Book Fair
The Book Fair will be in the school from Tuesday 09 November to Friday 12 November. Feel free to call in at dropping off (08.30am-9.00am) and collection times (1.00pm – 2.30pm) to browse through the selection available. This is a great opportunity to get started on your Christmas shopping! The more books you buy, the more books the school will receive to help to stock the school library. A limited number of leaflets are available from beside the Parent Information Notice Board. From last year’s experience, may we please ask that you Enter only via the Main Entrance and Exit only via the Blanchardstown Door? This will ensure a smooth flow of people through the Book Fair area which is quite tight.
“On Wednesday the boys and girls in 4th and 5th class went to Donore Harriers. We did shot put, long jump, hurdles, 400 metres, sprint and relay. We all won at least one gold medal. We had great fun and won the school a plaque. We would like to thank Mrs Soulsby, Ms Merrigan and the parents who brought us to the event”. Molly and Nick - 5th Class
Can all running kits please be returned to Mrs Soulsby as soon as possible after the mid-term break?
Pedestrian Entrance
We are happy to report that Fingal County Council has granted permission for the Pedestrian Entrance. However, we cannot start any works until the period for an appeal to An Bórd Pleanála has passed.
Pakistan Relief Fund
The total raised to date is €742.66. Please note, it is still not too late to send in a donation if you still wish to contribute.
Spanish for Children (La Jolie Ronde)
For information please contact 087 267 4809 / marygalvin@upcmail.ie or check out www.spanishclasses4children.com. New classes (Wednesdays) starting 3rd November for 5 - 8 yr olds @ 4.20PM & 9 - 12 yr olds @ 4.50PM in Laurel Lodge. Gracias, Mary.
School Photographs
School Photograph proofs have been distributed to children today. Can all orders please be returned on Tuesday 02 November? Thank you for your cooperation.