Parent/Teacher Meetings
Parent/Teacher Meetings will take place next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The oldest child in each family has been given a Family Sheet listing all appointments for that family. The individual class timetables are also listed on the school website HERE.
Science Week - Correction
"On Wednesday 10 November, the Science Club went to ITB (Institute of Technology Blanchardstown). We saw a bubble show and played lots of fun games, like “Who Wants to be a Mathianaire". Sean and Eoin – 5th Class
Science Week
Thanks to all the boys and girls in the 4th and 5th classes who participated in their class science experiments over the last couple of weeks and for demonstrating and presenting them to the rest of the school community at our Science Fair last Thursday. Also, a special thanks to all the boys/girls who participated in the Intel Mini-Scientist competition. The standard was high and our Intel judges were very happy with the hard work and interest shown by the competitors. Well done to Meadhbh Ryan/Caitríona O’Driscoll/Gráinne Eccles for their project on ‘Bees’and to Aoife Lynch/Susie Ryan for their project on ‘The Power of Fizz’. These were the winning entries and they won a digital microscope and a finderscope(telescope) for our school. They will have the opportunity to compete in the Intel Mini-Scientist final in December.
Education session on Bullying - 2 December 2010 - 7.30pm
In response to parents' request, the Parents Association Committee has organised for an expert speaker from Trinity College Anti-Bullying Centre to come and present to parents on the topic of bullying. The talk will cover - what bullying is, the different types of bullying, signs of being bullied, what to do if your child is being bullied, what to do if your child is bullying others, collaboration with the school in resolving the bullying behaviour, cyber-bullying. Please note the date in your diaries for this important event.
Astronomy Talks Ireland Visit
We were contacted by Kevin Sweeney, who is an education officer with ‘Astronomy Talks Ireland’. He visits schools around the country with an astronomy educational program. He will visit our school on the Wed 24th/ Thur 25th Nov giving presentations to the 2nd-6th class children on different topics on astronomy (related to the curriculum). The program is aimed at groups in the general public but in particular the children in our schools. Astronomy is a very accessible hobby and area of science that plays a very important and fundamental part in our lives. The aim of this initiative is to promote astronomy and science and to help build a science culture among the children of Ireland. To cover the cost of this visit, each child will be asked to bring in 1 Euro, which should be given to the class teacher.
Christmas Fair 28th November Volunteers and Donations Needed
It’s not too late to volunteer! Contact Bridin @ 086 3845931 or Karen @ 087 4187253 if you are available to help for an hour or two.
Parents will be able to drop all donations of bottles, toys, books, DVD’s, games and unwanted presents at the school, at the following times every day next week:
Mornings 8.20am-8.40am
Afternoons 1.00pm-1.20pm and 2.00pm-2.20pm
Christmas Fair Raffle
This year we have some fantastic prizes for the Christmas Fair Raffle. 1st Prize is a Samsung Netbook, 2nd Prize Canon Digital Camera, 3rd Prize Westpoint 1 Year Membership , 4th Prize Sony Ericsson Zylo Jazz Mobile Phone, 5th Prize 4 Tickets for Disney On Ice, 6th €100 Voucher Branagan Meats, 7th Prize €50 Voucher Heatons.
Every child in the school received a book of tickets last week. Parents/guardians are under no obligation to buy these tickets. Please return counterfoils and money or unsold tickets to the class teacher as soon as possible. Tickets are €2 each or €10 for a book of 6 tickets. Extra tickets will be available to buy every morning and afternoon next week, under the school canopy. Good luck in the draw and Thank You!
Cupcake Competition
A leaflet detailing information about a Cupcake Competition has been given to each child. There are three categories: age 8 and under; age 9 – 13 and Adults. Cupcakes should be dropped into the coffee shop at the Christmas Fair before 2pm for inclusion in the competition.
Extra Curricular Activities
Tennis Coaching 2nd-6th
Tennis has finished for this term but will resume in January. Sessions take place every Tuesday from 3.05pm – 4.00pm. All equipment is provided. Numbers limited to 18 and priority will be given to older children. Cost €25 and this should be paid to the school. Further details will be given to those children who have signed up for it.
Volleyball/Spikeball 2nd-6th
A new course of volleyball/spikeball will begin next Wednesday 24th November. Sessions take place from 3.05pm – 4.00pm. Numbers limited to 18 and priority will be given to older children. Those interested should place their names on the Sign-on Sheet at Reception by Tuesday 23rd November. The cost of the course is €25 and this should be paid to the school. Further details will be made available in school to those children who have signed up.
Badminton 2nd-6th
A new course of badminton will begin next Friday 26th Nov given by Jackie Killoch (Badminton Ireland). The course of 8 lessons for children from 2nd – 6th class costs €25 and should be paid directly to the school. Classes will run each Friday from 2.10 – 3.05 (for younger children) and 3.05-4.00 (for older children). Those interested should place their names on the Sign-on Sheet at Reception by Thursday 25th November. Further details will be made available in school to those children who have signed up.
Platform Stage School
Term 2 commences Thursday 25th November. Show in Draiocht Theatre on Sun 3rd April. Fee for Term of 10 weeks €110. Jun/Sen Term will commence in January – Fee €90. Anyone wishing to register should contact Liz Brennan at 086 2245113.
Gaelic 4 Mothers (CHFC)
Calling all Castleknock mothers, aunties, sisters, grannies … anyone (females only) who want to join in a fun new way of getting fit. Gaelic 4 Mothers is a new initiative of the Ladies Gaelic Football Association. Registration takes place on Thursday 25th November at 8.30pm. Kicking off on 26 November for 8 weeks (breaking 10 December for Christmas). Contact Mags Heelan at 086 2577461 or Eilish Andrews at 086 8901147 or see Parent Information Noticeboard and for more info.
Castleknock Swimming Classes - New Course - Starts Dec 1st
Wed 3-4p.m. - in Warm New Finglas Leisure Centre Pool. Also Enrolling now for Dec/Jan Start for Mon. 3-4p.m./Thu. 3-4p.m. in Warm Refurbished St. Joseph's Pool Navan Road. 'Free 1st Trial Class - No Obligation' for new pupils. 1 Hr. Sessions - €68 for 8 Weeks. Contact Ron @ 087-2584970/
175th Dublin Scout Group
175th Dublin Scout Group Castleknock invites you to our OPEN DAY Sunday 21st November 2010*10:30am - 1:30pm*Castleknock Community Centre, Laurel Lodge. Have a cuppa and a chat and find out about scouting. Enquiries please to: Anna 086-3169248 or Caitriona 085-1638576.
“What percentage of our fermentable waste goes in our bins?”
See for answer.