08 December 2010
Please note that the school will be open on Wednesday 08 December.
Education session on Bullying - 2 December 2010 - 7.30pm
In response to parents' request, the Parents Association Committee has organised for an expert speaker from Trinity College Anti-Bullying Centre to come and present to parents on the topic of bullying. The talk will cover - what bullying is, the different types of bullying, signs of being bullied, what to do if your child is being bullied, what to do if your child is bullying others, collaboration with the school in resolving the bullying behaviour, cyber-bullying. Please note the date in your diaries for this important event.
Liam Lawton Concert
The Parish are privileged to be able to host a concert in St. Mochta’s Church next Wednesday 1st December by internationally renowned singer Fr. Liam Lawton. Fr. Liam will be accompanied on the night by his own band and special guests Mount Sackville School Senior Girls Choir. It promises to be another great evening here in St. Mochta’s. Tickets €20 are available in the Sacristy before or after Mass and the Parish Office from 9.30am to 12.30pm Mon to Fri—Phone 01 8213218.
Folens Christmas Annuals
Folens Christmas Annuals, priced at €5 each, are now available through the school. Order forms are beside the Parent Information Notice Board. Orders with payment will be taken in the main office up to Thursday 02 December. To ensure prompt delivery, orders will be placed with Folens on Friday 03 December. As a result, no late orders can be accepted.
School Photographs
If you have any further queries in relation to your child’s School Photograph, please contact Richard Gavin Photography directly at 8510000.
Extra Curricular Activities
Gaelic 4 Mothers (CHFC)
Calling all Castleknock mothers, aunties, sisters, grannies … anyone (females only) who want to join in a fun new way of getting fit. Gaelic 4 Mothers is a new initiative of the Ladies Gaelic Football Association. Registration takes place on Thursday 25th November at 8.30pm. Kicking off on 26 November for 8 weeks (breaking 10 December for Christmas). Contact Mags Heelan at 086 2577461 or Eilish Andrews at 086 8901147 or see Parent Information Noticeboard and wwwlcastleknock.net for more info.
Castleknock Swimming Classes - New Course - Starts Dec 1st
Wed 3-4p.m. - in Warm New Finglas Leisure Centre Pool. Also Enrolling now for Dec/Jan Start for Mon. 3-4p.m./Thu. 3-4p.m. in Warm Refurbished St. Joseph's Pool Navan Road. 'Free 1st Trial Class - No Obligation' for new pupils. 1 Hr. Sessions - €68 for 8 Weeks. Contact Ron @ 087-2584970/swimclass@eircom.net
“How do washing up liquids and powders give off pollution?”
See www.stpatricksns.ie for answer.