Easter in Romania
“In Romania at Easter some people wear a special costume. They do a special dance in these clothes. The children go to their neighbours and family and get real eggs. The eggs are painted.” Alisa 2nd class & Vanesa 4th class
Mobile Phones
Unless it is absolutely necessary, children should not bring mobile phones to school. For those who need to bring a phone, it must be turned off and left in the child’s school bag. If the phone is seen or heard anywhere on school grounds, it will be taken off the child and parents will have to collect the phone from the school office.
School Santry Team
Trials have been held recently to select this year’s school team to travel to Morton Stadium for the Cumann na mBunscol’s annual athletics championships in the track, sprint and relay events. We now have a short list for each of the age categories and from these lists the final selection will be made. The children on the short lists have been informed. The remainder of these trials will be held after school on Fridays from 2.15 – 3.15, beginning on Friday 6th May. Those who make it onto the short lists must attend if they want to be considered for the team. Trials and/or Practice Sessions will continue every Friday in May, and if necessary other times/days may need to be added. If there are any parents who might like to help with the practice sessions, please leave your name with Andrea in the office or email info@stpatricksns.ie .
“Jedward” and Jack & Jill Mobile Phone Collection!!
Our school is continuing to collect mobile phones in any condition. As well as helping the environment, the collected phones can be used by the school to get useful IT equipment. “Jedward” have recently teamed up with Jack & Jill and will visit the school which collects the most mobile phones.
Lost Property
Any property not claimed from the Lost Property press by Friday 15 April will be donated to St Vincent de Paul. If your child is missing any items, please take a look in the Lost Property press, inside the Blanchardstown door, at pick-up time.
Labelling/Lost Property
With the warmer weather hopefully on the way, children are starting to remove their jumpers, cardigans and tracksuit tops while in the yard. We therefore ask that all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name as this will increase their chances of getting the item back.
“Parenting Your Teen” Course
"Parenting Your Teen" is an effective course in parenting teenagers running at Genesis Counseling Blanchardstown Tuesday evenings from May 3rd. Phone 01 8202764 for info or see poster on the Parent Information Noticeboard.
Catholic Schools Partnership Position Paper Launch
On Tuesday last, we were asked by Archbishops House to facilitate the launch of the Catholic Schools Partnership Position Paper. This does not imply in any way that consideration is being given to a change in our current patronage. The launch was held here because we are one of the newer catholic schools in the Dublin diocese. If anybody would like to read the position papers, please see www.stpatricksns.ie
Uniform Changes
Please see reverse of this note for information re Uniform changes.
Volunteers for First Holy Communion Receptions
Parents, a letter from the Parent’s Association was sent home with 1st and 3rd class children last week appealing for your help with the First Holy Communion Receptions on Saturday, 14th May from 10.30am – 12.30pm and/or 12.30pm – 2.30pm. Helpers are also needed to man the Church Car Park from 9.30am – 10.00am and 11.30am – 12.00pm and/or School Car Park from 11.00am – 11.30am and 1.00pm – 1.30pm.
We still need help, so if you are available and would like to volunteer, please call/text Karen on 087 4187253, Bridin on 086 3845931 or Mary on 0872674809
Sponsored Walk
Can we ask that, if possible, all Sponsorship Cards and money are returned to the school tomorrow, Friday 15 April? Thank you for your support.
Easter Cricket Camp – Old Belvedere Cricket Club
Andrew and Simi, our Cricket Coaches, wish to promote the following Easter Camp: Indoor & outdoor coaching & Games for boys and girls, 8 – 14 years (beginners and improvers). Camp runs from Tuesday 26 April to Fri 29 April 1.00pm – 4.00pm at The Bogeys (left off Navan Rd at police station). Enrolments any Monday 3.45 – 4.15pm and Thursday 14 April 5.30 – 7.00pm. All equipment provided. Cost €45. For further enquiries tel/text 087 2333194 and you will be called back.
Carpenterstown Tennis Club - Adult Lessons
Adult lessons will commence on Saturday 16 April; an 8 week session for €40. 1.10pm – Beginners; 2.10pm – Improvers/Advanced. For further information, please contact carpenterstowntc@gmail.com.
St Patrick’s N.S. Easter Camp 2011
The camp will be for 4 days from Monday 18th of April to Thursday 21st of April inclusive. The price of the camp costs €65 with a 10% discount for siblings. The camp is open to all children from 1st class to 6th class. There are still a few spaces available, please email monaghan1@hotmail.com.