Best Wishes to Ms M O’Reilly, Ms Parker & Ms O’Callaghan’s Classes who are celebrating their First Holy Communion tomorrow.
First Holy Communions
Ms Parker’s class mass begins at 10.00am. Ms O’Callaghan & Ms M O’Reilly’s class mass begins at 12.00pm. Please be seated in the church 15 minutes beforehand. A Tea/Coffee Reception will be held in the school’s hall after each ceremony. All are welcome! A Photographer will visit the school on Monday 16 May to take individual and group photographs. Children may wear their communion clothes.
New Pathway
The new pathway has shortened the journey to school. As a result, some children are arriving before 8.20am. Please time your child’s arrival for 8.20am or later. Infant and First Class children should be supervised by a parent/guardian until they are collected from the line by the class teacher. All cyclists must dismount at the outer gate and walk with their bicycles or scooters on the school grounds.
Cross Country Finals, Santry
“On Tuesday the Cross Country Team went to Santry Stadium and we had a great time. It was a lovely, sunny day in which the boys came second, the girls came second and the school got second place overall.” (26 schools competed) Conall 5th Class
Running Kits
Can all cross country runners please return their running kits (t-shirt + shorts) as soon as possible? Kits will be collected daily from the classrooms. Children should make sure that they sign their kits back in.
Moving House?
If you are moving house and your child will not be returning to St Patrick’s in the new school year, it is vital that you make contact with the class teacher or the Main Office as soon as possible as it will be necessary for you to complete a Transfer Form. We have a number of children on waiting lists for all classes and we would like to be able to contact these parents as soon as possible.
Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents’ mobile numbers) for your child on our database in order for you to receive your child/children’s school reports, end of year letters, etc or to make contact with you if your child should fall ill during the school day. If any of your details have changed since the beginning of the school year, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form, available from the office.
Junior Infant Booklists
Junior Infant Booklists are available for collection from the office. If you wish to order your Junior Infant books through the school, orders with payment should be returned by 20 May. Booklists for other classes will be distributed to the children early next week.
Drug & Alcohol Information Evening
Are you a parent or guardian caring for children or teenagers? Are you interested in learning how to manage situations that may arise around drug & alcohol issues? Would you like to know about support services in your area? CROSSCARE Drug & Alcohol Programme is hosting a FREE DRUG & ALCOHOL INFORMATION EVENING for parents/guardians and other family members who take care of children and young people. You will receive a free copy of their support booklet ‘Don’t Lose the Head’. The evening will take place in St. Mochta's National School on Monday 23rd May 2011 from 8pm-9pm.
Transition from Primary to Secondary School Talk For Parents
The transition from Primary school to Secondary school is one of those life events that most people can recall in some way or other. The purpose of this talk is to outline the major changes involved for both children and parents so that the experience can be undertaken with minimum stress - for the whole family! Tom Casey, Teen Counsellor, Crosscare, will facilitate a talk for parents in St Patrick’s National School on Wednesday 18th May 2011 at 8pm. The talk is aimed at parents with children in 5th and 6th class but all are welcome.
Guitar lessons
Learn easy guitar in a warm and friendly fully equipped studio. Group or individual lessons available. This is one the best times to prepare for the Junior and Leaving Cert music curriculum! Special 20% reduction to all the pupils (and parents) of St. Patricks NS. Further details Brian Farrell 086 3809624 -
French for all!
‘’Bonjour les enfants et les parents!’’ Enrolment has started for September 2011 term here at St Patrick’s. Classes can also run in pre-schools where a free taster class can be arranged. Exams are approaching & I can assist your teen with grinds. I am French native, Garda vetted, fully insured and above all enthusiastic! Contact me on 087 227 9027 Merci beaucoup! Visit
Lesson No. 2: ¡HOY HACE MUY BUEN TIEMPO, NO LLUEVE! (Oy! a-thay mui bwen tee-em-po, no you-ey-bay) The weather’s really good today, it’s not raining!” For information on Spanish Classes (LJR) for Primary & Pre-School Children (Sept – May) - undoubtedly the very best time to learn a second language - in St Patrick’s NS (and wider D15 area) and on Junior & Leaving Cert Classes (all year round) phone 087 267 4809 / 8227629, Email, cf.