Registration Week
Registration for Junior Infants September 2007 takes place between 10.00am and 12.00noon from 12 - 15 March. Parents with siblings already attending the school may register during the above times or on Tuesday 13 March at 8.45am.
In-Service Training
An In-Service Day for teachers will take place on Friday 16 March. The school will therefore be closed on that day. The school will also be closed on Monday 19 March as this is a Public Holiday.
Staff Car Park
Please note that children or parents should not cut across the staff car park when coming into school or leaving in the afternoon. All pedestrians should follow the path and enter by the designated Pedestrian Gates only. This request is made for the safety of your children. The staff car park is for staff cars only.
The Health and Safety Officer and the School Insurers have recently brought it to our attention that wearing jewellery poses a safety risk at school because of the active nature of the school day. It is therefore necessary for us to request that children do not wear earrings (other than studs), necklaces, bracelets and rings in school. Watches are acceptable but we would ask that they be removed during PE classes.
Per Cent For Art Grant
St Patrick's N.S has received a grant under the government's Per Cent For Art scheme. This money will be used to commission a piece of art for our new school premises. We are in the process of selecting an artist to create a piece of permanent art for the school. We are requesting that at least some of the children will be involved in this process, as it will be an exciting opportunity for all involved. Details of the selected artist and project will follow soon.
Library News
The school library will re-open next week after a period of refurbishment. The library now houses a collection of almost 4,000 books. These books have mostly been funded by the Parents' Association, supplemented by Fingal Schools Library Service and the commission for the annual school Book Fair. Book clubs for third and fourth classes are held monthly in the library. We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all the parents who helped with the setting up of the new Library.
PC for Library
We would like to thank the Rowsome Family for their donation of a PC for use in the Library.
Green Schools
The Mobile Phone Recycling is now in place inside the main door of the school. Please remember to recycle unwanted mobile phones by dropping them into the box.
Senior Infant School Tour
Ms O'Callaghan's and Ms B Quinn's Senior Infant Classes are going on their school tour to Airfield Discover Primary Science centre on Tuesday 13 March. Please note the children will not be back to the school until 2.00pm on that day. Ms Meade and Ms Jennings' Senior Infant Classes will be going on their tour on Tuesday 27 March. Details will follow.
Tesco Computers for Schools
The 10th TESCO "Computers for Schools" Promotion commenced in-store on Monday 05 March and will run until 13 May 2006. We will be taking part in the promotion again this year. For the last four years, we have reached our quota and taken delivery of brand new PCs and a Digital Camera for the school. This year we hope to be equally lucky, with your help, in achieving our target. There will be a collection box in each classroom. Perhaps you could enlist the help of family, friends and neighbours to collect tokens for us. The more tokens we collect, the more equipment and software we can receive. Thank you for your continued support.
RSE Course for parents of 3rd & 4th class children
The National Parents Council (Primary), in conjunction with Crisis Pregnancy Agency offer an RSE Course for parents. The purpose of the course is to help parents have a better knowledge of relationships and sexuality education, so that they can talk to their children and foster their children's self esteem and decision making skills in this important area of their lives. Our Parent's Association Committee is organising the above course in the school. It will entail six 2½ hrs morning sessions (run over six weeks). The fee for the course is €10 (min. no. 10 - max. no. 15). The NPC will advise the date of the course, (likely to be after Easter), when they receive our application. If you are interested in taking part in this course, please phone Marie McCarthy on 087 9935551, by Wednesday 14th March.
Well done to David Keenan (3rd Class) on winning Second Price in a Crossword Competition organised by the Health Service Executive (Autumn Issue of Health Bites). Entrants had to complete a slogan beginning "I think being physically active is important because ...", in 15 words of less. David's prize was €100 worth of sports equipment!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
As per Monday's note, a number of events begin today in celebration of Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Non-Uniform Day
We will be having a non-uniform day on Thursday 15 March. We are suggesting that children wear a green item of clothing on that day.
INTO Campaign for Smaller Class Sizes
A Meeting for parents/teachers on the issue of Class Sizes in this constituency is taking place on Monday 12 March in the Clarion Hotel, Liffey Valley at 8.00pm. We would welcome your attendance at this meeting.