Registration – Junior Infants September 2013
Application Forms are available for collection from the office since Wednesday 12 September. Registration will take place on 15, 16 & 17 October.
Healthy Lunch Policy
We operate a Healthy Lunch Policy in the school. Fizzy drinks, crisps, popcorn or sweets are not permitted. On Friday, children are allowed one treat, e.g. a bar. Please help us maintain the health of our children by following the guidelines in the School Booklet which is available to view at
Below are sample time guidelines for homework:
Junior and Senior Infants 5 - 10 minutes
(Informal homework such as the Paired Reading Scheme, sight words, reading review).
First Class 15 – 20 minutes.
Second Class 20 – 30 minutes.
Third and Fourth Class 30 – 40 minutes.
Fifth and Sixth Class 40 – 60 minutes.
If your child is having consistent difficulty with homework or is spending well in excess of the recommended time completing it, please speak with the Class Teacher.
Reminder re dismounting bicycles, etc
In the interest of everyone’s safety, all cyclists (adults, students and siblings) should dismount from their bicycles at the gates to the school grounds. Please also note that scooters, rollerblades or Heelys are not permitted on school grounds. Cycling is also not permitted on school grounds. We would greatly appreciate your support in this matter.
Meeting with Teachers
All questions/queries re school should be directed initially to the class teacher. Please contact the school secretary to make an appointment. (For safety reasons it is not possible for class teachers to meet with parents without an appointment as supervision arrangements have to be put in place. For the same safety reasons, teachers cannot take or make phone calls during class time). Parents of Infant children may be able to have a quick informal word with the class teacher when collecting their child at home time.
Absences due to illness
Whilst there is no need to telephone the school if your child is sick, we would greatly appreciate if you would contact us if your child contracts a contagious illness e.g. measles, mumps, rubella, etc. There are children in the school who are at increased risk of contracting these illnesses. Parents must acknowledge their child’s absence from school due to minor illnesses on their return, in writing, in the child’s School Journal or via a note to their child’s class teacher.
Safety Notice re Dropping Off/Collecting
Please note the following important safety points:
Thank you for your cooperation.
Table Tennis
Table tennis will be starting again this Thursday after school (2:10 - 3.10pm). Mr Heneghan will be sending a note around the classes for anyone who is interested to sign up. There are a limited number of places for this term but anyone that misses out will be able to take part in the next term after Christmas.