St. Patrick's National School, Diswellstown, Castleknock.

Email: Phone: 01 824 9930 Fax: 01 824 9928

Address: Diswellstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 PH21.

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Newsletters Archived

Wednesday November 14th 2012

Parent/Teacher Meetings
Parent/Teacher Meetings will take place next Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 November. By now you should all have appointment times; a note in School Journal for 1st Class upwards and a family slip if you have more than one meeting to attend. If there is any conflict of information in the above two notes, please contact Andrea at 8249930 ASAP. The timetables have been organised so that parents who have to attend more than one meeting have been offered all their appointments on either Wednesday or Thursday. If the support teacher's name is on the same line as the class teacher's on your appointment slip, this means that you will meet both together.  You will understand, therefore, that it is not possible for the school to facilitate requests for a change of day and/ or time because of the effect this would have on other class timetables. 
To ensure the smooth running of the Parent Teacher Meetings, we would greatly appreciate your cooperation regarding the following:

  • Each meeting is of ten minutes duration. The school bell will ring to advise you that your ten minute session is over. Please do not remain for longer as this disrupts the schedule for everybody.
  • If the previous meeting is still in session at your appointed time, please knock on the door to signal your arrival.

Science Week
Science Open Day takes place tomorrow, Thursday 15 November.  Parents are welcome to visit between 12.45 – 2.00pm.

School Calendars
Order forms for School Calendars together with payment should be returned to your child’s class teacher (not to the office) by first thing tomorrow morning to ensure you receive your order at the Christmas Fair.

Cross Country League
The next Cross Country Meeting takes place next Tuesday, 20th November, at Porterstown Fields. Can the parents who helped out last month please let Mrs Soulsby know whether or not they are available to help out again? Please email if you are free. All help appreciated.

Parents Association News

Christmas Fair
Excitement is building for the Christmas Fair on 25th November. Thank You to those who have donated; we have received same fantastic donations and sponsorship so far. 
Evening drop-offs continue on Thurs 15th, Tue 20th and Thurs 22nd 7:30 -8:30pm at School Reception.
Morning drop-offs continue on Fri 16th and 19th 8:20am at both gates
We are delighted to accept unwanted Gifts/Chocolates/Biscuits, new/used Books / Toys / Games / DVDs etc. (all in good condition please!)
We especially need bottles for the ever popular bottle wheel.
Artists please note the Art Competition closing date is Monday 19th (see web for details).  
Bakers note the Cup Cake Competition on the day (see web for details).
Volunteers still sought for a few hours work on the day. (text 087 6024390).

Christmas Fair Raffle
This year we have some fantastic prizes for the Christmas Fair Raffle.  1st Prize is an Apple iPad, 2nd Prize Amazon Kindle Fire HD, 3rd Prize Beats by Dr Dre Headphones , 4th Prize Nintendo 3DS, 5th Prize €100 Voucher Branagan Meats, 6th Prize €100 Voucher Shoe Rack.
Every child in the school has received a book of tickets. Parents/guardians are under no obligation to buy these tickets. Please return counterfoils and money or unsold tickets to the class teacher by Friday 16th November.  Tickets are €2 each or €10 for a book of 6 tickets.  Good luck in the draw and Thank You!

Extra Curricular Activities

Dublin15 Childrens’ Performing Arts Festival
Dublin 15 Childrens’ Performing Arts Festival takes place in Draiocht Theatre, Blanchardstown on Sunday 2nd December.  See website for further details.

St Patrick’s Parents for Business Network
Your First Choice for Products and Services supplied by parents.
Visit for more information or see insert in your child’s Homework Journal.
“LIKE” us on Facebook to win a prize!