St. Patrick's National School, Diswellstown, Castleknock.

Email: Phone: 01 824 9930 Fax: 01 824 9928

Address: Diswellstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 PH21.

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Newsletters Archived

Wednesday February 20h 2013

ACCORD Relationship Programme for 5th & 6th Class
A talk for Parents of 5th and 6th Class children takes place TONIGHT, Wednesday 20 February at 8.00pm in the Tigers Room. Please enter via the Diswellstown (Tigers) door.  Accord Facilitators will attend the school to speak to the children on 26 February (5th Class) and 27 February (6th Class).  Please note, Consent Forms MUST be returned to the class teacher whether or not you are giving consent for your child to attend.

Trócaire Boxes
Trócaire Boxes are available for collection from outside the main office.

Cycling Safety Course (4th and 5th Class Children)
A Cycling Safety Course will take place for all 4th and 5th Class children commencing 25 February for 6 weeks.  The course will take place on school grounds during the school day. A letter has been given to each 4th and 5th class child with full information.  Permission Slips with payment (or receipt for online payment) should be returned directly to the class teacher before the first session.  This course is subsidised by Fingal County Council.

Infant Children
Infant children (Junior & Senior Infants) should not be left unsupervised in the yard in the morning.  Parents/Guardians should remain with their child/children until they are passed over to the care of their teacher at 8.30am.  Under no circumstances should Infant children be dropped at the school gate to enter school grounds alone.

Staff Car Park
Please note that parents are asked not to park in the Staff Car Park between 8.00am and 2.30pm, the only exception being parents collecting disabled or injured children.  We would be grateful if you could also inform anyone who may be collecting your child/children on your behalf of this procedure. If you are returning to the school to drop off forgotten lunches, schoolbags, etc. during the school day, we would ask that you park in the bus stop area and enter via the Pedestrian Gate. (Please close gates after you leave).  We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents’ mobile numbers) for your child on our database in order for you to receive your child/children’s school reports, end of year letters, etc or to make contact with you if your child should fall ill during the school day. If any of your details have changed since the beginning of the school year, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form, available from the office.

 Dogs in School Yard
Following concerns raised by some parents, we would ask that you discourage any child from petting your dog. Under no circumstances should dogs be brought onto school grounds nor should they be tied up and left unattended.

Tigers Afterschool Care
Places are currently available at Tigers Afterschool Care.  Hour Club 1.10 - 2.10pm; Homework Club 2.10 - 3.10pm; Part time care/Full time care, we also have occasional care.  We will cater for your needs. Hour Club and Homework Club places are now at a reduced rate. Please call Manager (Tracey) on 086 2253781.

Golf Taster Sessions at St Patrick's
Just before the holidays children from 4th - 6th got to try out golf in a fun way with graham McKay from the Darren Clarke Golf Foundation. This is what some children had to report about their experience: 
“The golf lesson from Darren Clarke Golf School was really fun. The coach explained everything very well. We learned how to pitch, putt and chip in just half an hour. Hitting the targets was quite hard at first, but after a while it was easier. It was a short session but we learned a lot. We played 3 different courses. At the end of Golf Taster Sessions, we got a bag and some information on Darren Clarke and his Golf School.”
Vanessa, Claire, Genese, Evelyn, Karina, Alan, Uzunma and Sarah 5th class.

Parents Association News

Savvy Schools – School Uniform Shop
Savvy Schools will be open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10am until 6pm.  The shop is located in Centrepoint Shopping Centre in Blanchardstown. If this arrangement does not suit parents, an appointment can be made outside of these days and times by phoning 086 7308525 or by email to 

Extra Curricular Activities

Art & Crafts Workshops
Art & Crafts takes place on Monday from 2.10pm to 3.45pm. A wide range of art activities used to develop skills and foster creativity. The new 10 week term begins on Monday 4th March.  Some places available, contact Bláthnaid on 087-4123247 for full details.

FAI/Fingal Soccer Easter Camp for Girls
This will take place on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th March from 11.00am-1.00pm in the Diswellstown Community Centre. The coaching will be provided by a qualified FAI coach and will be aimed at our 2nd & 3rd Class girls. The total cost for the two days is 10 euros and thisincludes a free Soccer T-shirt for each participant. Those interested should register at Reception asap. Places are limited to 15 so early registration is advised.     

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