Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. telephone, parents' mobile numbers) for your child on our database. If any of your details have changed since the beginning of the school year, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form.
As per our School Booklet, we would ask that if your child is having a birthday party and inviting some classmates, that invitations be given out in the schoolyard and not in the classroom. In order to be sensitive to the feelings of children who are not being invited, perhaps you could give the invitation to the parent and not the child. Teachers are not permitted to distribute invitations. Please also note that sweets/cakes should not be sent into the class for distribution on your child's birthday.
School Milk Scheme
More than 300 children are now availing of the subsidised school milk scheme. Please check that your child is taking the empty milk carton home from school each day. Remember, these milk cartons can go into your Green Recycling Bin.
Junior Infant Vaccinations
The Junior Infant Vaccinations will take place on Tuesday 01 and Wednesday 02 May. You should have received a letter directly from the Northern Area Health Board advising you of which day your child will be vaccinated.
First Holy Communion Meeting
There will be a meeting for parents whose children are making their communion on Thursday, 03 May at 8.00pm in the school.
Green Schools
Following our recent application to An Taisce for the Green Flag Award, we had a visit this week from Patricia Kennedy, Green Schools Coordinator with Fingal County Council. She came to carry out an assessment for Green Flag status. First she met with the class representatives who serve on our Green School committee. They impressed her greatly by both their enthusiasm for, and their understanding of the Green School Programme. Then a number of children took her on a tour of the school, pointing out evidence of our Green Code in action. Before leaving, Patricia informed them that she would be recommending the Green Flag Award be made to St Patrick's in the very near future! So now we await written confirmation from An
Taisce ... watch this space.
Secondary School Places
On Wednesday 02 May, the children in 2nd, 3rd and 4th classes will bring home a note on behalf of the Castleknock Schools Group. The group includes St Patrick's N.S. Parents Association and we urge parents to support them in their campaign to ensure your children have a second level school to go to. Please contact if you would like a copy by e-mail.
Extra Curricular Activities
Any extra curricular activities queries should be directed to the organiser of the activity.
Arts & Crafts Spring Workshop
Art & Craft Workshops started on Monday 23 April to Monday 28 May inclusive on Mondays 2.15pm-3.45pm with Bláithnaid O'Brien-Donovan (Qualified Teacher). Some places still available, please contact Bláithnaid directly on 087 4123247 after 3pm.
Music Camp
A Music Camp will be starting this summer from Monday 9 to Friday 13 July 2007. Registration Day is Tuesday 1 May 2007. Full fees must be brought on registration day (€100 per child -10% discount for siblings). Details to follow shortly. Course Directors: Geraldine Meade and Jenny O'Connor