St. Patrick's National School, Diswellstown, Castleknock.

Email: Phone: 01 824 9930 Fax: 01 824 9928

Address: Diswellstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 PH21.

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Newsletters Archived

Week Ending 18 May 2007
Election Polling Station
The Office of the Returning Officer has requested the use of the school for the General Election. Therefore, the school will be closed next Thursday 24 May 2007.

In-Service Day
Please note that the next In-Service Training Day is on Tuesday 29 May 2007. The school will therefore be closed on this day.

"Sport for All" Fun Days
"Sport for All Fun Days" will take place (weather permitting) as follows:

Wednesday 30 May

Thursday 31 May

Friday 01 June

10.45-11.45 Junior Infants

First-Fourth Class - All day

10.45-11.45 Senior Infants

Parents are welcome to come along on Wednesday 30 May and Friday 01 June. However, for Health & Safety reasons, we cannot facilitate spectators on Thursday 31 May.

School Reports
With the end of the school year rapidly approaching, it is important that we have the correct postal address for your child in order that you receive their School Report promptly. If you have changed address during the school year and have not informed the school, can you please ensure that you do so as soon as possible.

Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents' mobile numbers) for your child on our database. If any of your details have changed since the beginning of the school year, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form.

Moving House?
If you are moving house and your child will not be returning to St Patrick's in the new school year, it is vital that you make contact with the class teacher or the Main Office. It will be necessary for you to complete a Transfer Form. We have a large number of children on waiting lists for all classes and we would like to be able to contact these parents as soon as possible.

Infant Children at Drop-Off Time
We would ask that all Infant children be supervised by a reliable person until handed over to the care of their teacher at 8.30am.

Trócaire Boxes
A representative from Trócaire will be coming to the school on Monday to collect our Trócaire money. If you have still not returned your Trócaire box, please send it in with your child on Monday 21 May.

Diswellstown Summer Camps
All applications for Diswellstown Junior and Senior Summer Camps (Junior Infants to First Class and Second to Fourth Class) have now been accepted. A limited number of places remain. Application Forms are available in front of the Parents Information Notice Board at reception. Please contact Emer Threadgold (Junior Camp) or Geraldine Meade (Senior Camp) directly with any queries.
Sick Children at School
It is not necessary to telephone the school if your child is sick. Absence due to illness should be advised in writing to the class teacher on your child's return, either by a note or in their homework journal.
As per page 19 of the School Booklet: "Please do not send sick children to school for the following reasons:
• They are unable to cope with the demands of school when they are unwell.
• All break-time supervision is concentrated entirely on the yard for safety reasons.
• Infection spreads rapidly in the confinement of the classroom."

First Communion Children
Photographs of each First Communion Child will be taken and used in a display in the Church on their First Communion Day. If you do not wish your child's photograph to be used, please contact the Class Teacher as soon as possible.

Urgent Request for First Communion Volunteers
A note was distributed to all First Class children looking for volunteer parents to help out at the Tea/Coffee Receptions and at the church Car Park on Saturday 26 May. If you are available to help, please contact Marie McCarthy 087 9935551 or June Phelan on 8213218 between 09.30 - 10.30am.

Green Flag!
The following is an excerpt from letter received from An Taisce:

"Dear Ms Soulsby and the Green-Schools Committee,

I have great pleasure in informing you that your application for the International Green Flag Award has been successful. Congratulations!

An Taisce's Green-Schools Evaluation Committee, which makes the decision to aware the Green-Flag, was extremely impressed with your programme and had no hesitation in making their decision.

The Green Flag will be presented to your school at the Green Schools National Award ceremony on 22 May at 10.45am in An Taisce, Tailors' Hall, Back Lane, Dublin 8. A sit down lunch will be provided for you after the ceremony. Proceedings will be finished by 1.00pm.

Due to the large numbers attending we must limit representatives to a maximum of four people from each school. I suggest bringing three pupils from your Green Schools Committee if possible. Please note that under no circumstances will we be able to entertain requests to bring more representatives than this. We look forward to meeting you then.
Following the presentation of the Green Flag, you may wish to organise your own local flag raising ceremony with the support of your local authority.
Congratulations again on your success, please let us know whether you will be attending as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely
An Taisce - The National Trust for Ireland
Cathy Joyce - Green Schools Manager"