St. Patrick's National School, Diswellstown, Castleknock.

Email: Phone: 01 824 9930 Fax: 01 824 9928

Address: Diswellstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 PH21.

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Newsletters Archived

Week Ending 6th October 2006
Staff Meeting
A staff meeting will take place next Monday, 09 October. As the children will not return from the "Music in the Classroom" Tour until 12.30pm, the Staff Meeting will be delayed until 1.10pm. Please ensure that all children are collected at 1.10pm. You should also note that there will be no Extra Curricular Basketball on Monday after school.

Extras Fees
There are still a number of Extras Fees outstanding. We would ask that all fees be sent in as soon as possible (Cheque, bank draft or postal order only please). If you are not in a position to pay the fee in full, please contact the office to arrange to pay by instalments.

Thank you to everyone who is following the instructions of the Gardaí regarding new drop-off arrangements at the school. Please note the following:
• The Gardaí have informed us that they will issue a ticket to anyone who parks on the School access road.
• People may stop momentarily adjacent to the Bus parking area to drop off children.
• Please move as far up as possible on that stretch so that six or seven cars can drop off at the same time.
• For their safety, children should be dropped only on the school side of the road.
• Please do not stop on the roundabout.
• Please also note that parents are not permitted to park in the Staff Car Park when dropping or collecting children. If you are returning to the school to drop off forgotten lunches, schoolbags, etc., we would ask that you park in the bus stop area and enter via the Pedestrian Gate.

Sick Children at School
It is not necessary to telephone the school if your child is sick. Absence due to illness should be advised in writing to the class teacher on your child's return, either by a note or in their homework journal.

As per page 19 of the School Booklet: "Please do not send sick children to school for the following reasons:
• They are unable to cope with the demands of school when they are unwell.
• All break-time supervision is concentrated entirely on the yard for safety reasons.
• Infection spreads rapidly in the confinement of the classroom."

Womens' Mini Marathon
A big thank you to Orla Crossen who raised €745 for the school by taking part in the Flora Womens' Mini Marathon last June.

Children's Book Festival
The Children's Book Festival runs from 04 - 28 October. A list of events taking place in Blanchardstown Library is on display on the Parents Information Notice Board.

Parents Association AGM
The Annual General Meeting of St Patrick's N.S. Parents Association will take place on Thursday 26 October 2006 at 8.30pm in Fingal Room 1 (Upstairs Library/Tigers Room). All Parents are invited to attend the AGM and anyone interested in becoming involved in the Association will be most welcome. Entry to the building will be via the Fingal Entrance and not the main school entrance.

Up to now, children have been allowed to cycle and use scooters on the school avenue. However, in response to numerous complaints from concerned parents and to the fact that there were two minor accidents this week, we now request that everybody dismounts at the outer school gates. This request extends to parents and younger siblings also and is made in the interest of safety.

Green Schools - National Recycling Week
Please note that Monday 09 October is the closing date for our Design and Make Recycling Competition for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Classes. No entries will be accepted after that date. See last week's Newsletter for details of competition and rules.

Tips for Reducing Waste:
• Use reusable plastic bottles for children's drinks
• Use airtight plastic containers for children's lunches instead of wrapping them in cling film or aluminium foil.

Tesco Sport for Schools & Clubs
Thank you to everyone who has sent in tokens. Tokens are available in Tesco stores up to and including 05 November 2006. Thank you for your support.

Nestlé Box Tops for Books
The school will be collecting Nestlé Box Tops for Books tokens. Tokens collected can be exchanged for books for the school library. If you purchase any Nestlé products, perhaps you could save the tokens for the school.

Extra Curricular Activities

Castleknock Celtic
Coaching School for Beginners (6 & 7 year olds). Venue - Porterstown, every Saturday morning Commences 07 October. More information 087 6535354. Leaflets available beside the Parent Information Notice Board.

Krafty Kids Arts & Crafts Classes
Krafty Kids Arts & Crafts Classes (for 4 - 10 year olds) will commence on Wednesday 18 October from 4.00 - 5.00pm in the school. Enquiries should be made directly to Patricia 8213073/Sheelagh 8203164. Fee: €85.00