Class | Date | Class | Date |
Fifth Class | Monday 26/11/07 | Junior Infants | Wednesday 28/11/07 |
Fourth Class | Tuesday 27/11/07 | Senior Infants | Thursday 29/11/07 |
Christmas Fair
Please note that PA representatives will be in the Stage Area of the PE Hall from 26 - 30 November from 10.00 - 11.00 daily to accept your donations of bottles, books, toys, etc.
School Milk Scheme
Payment for the remainder of the school year now due. Please see reverse of Newsletter.
Choir at the Christmas Fair
As you are aware, there will be a Christmas Fair here in the school on Sunday 02 December from 1.00pm - 6.00pm. To get everyone in the festive mood, carols will be sung at different intervals for 10/15 minutes every hour on the hour. We would really appreciate if visitors to the Fair would join us on the day, whenever and as often as they are available and those in festive costume or national dress will be most welcome!
Per Cent for Art Update
Artists Mark Ryan and Maree Hensey have completed the art workshops in every class and have now returned to their studio to create our tree sculpture. There was a great response from all involved. Well done everyone!
Mobile Phones
Please note that the following policy is now being implemented in relation to mobile phones:
"Pupils will be discouraged from bringing a mobile phone to school. However, if it is necessary, the phone must be kept in children's schoolbags or as directed by the class teacher. Mobile phones must be switched off during the school day, on school premises, grounds and during off-site school activities."
"Pupils who ignore this policy and use a mobile phone on school premises without permission will be required to hand over their phone to a member of staff. The phone will then be handed into the school office, to be collected after school. Pupils who break this rule on more than one occasion in any school year, will require their parent/guardian to collect the phone from the school office."
"The school cannot accept any responsibility for theft, loss, damage or health effects (potential or actual) resulting from mobile phone use."
Folens Christmas Annuals
Folens Christmas Annuals, priced at €5 each, are now available through the school. Order forms are beside the Parent Information Notice Board. Orders with payment will be taken in the main office on Monday & Tuesday, 03 & 04 December only. No late orders can be accepted.
Extra Curricular Activities
There will be no GAA next Thursday 29 November.
Please note there will be no swimming on Friday 30 November as a Gala is taking place in the National Aquatic Centre on that day.
School Milk Scheme - January to June 2008
For those of you who have an interest in availing of the School Milk Scheme next year, please send a cheque/postal order only, made payable to "St Patrick's N.S." for €17.50 to cover the cost of the milk from Christmas to Summer.
Please complete the form below and return it, with payment in an envelope to your child's class teacher. Please write "School Milk", your child's name and class teacher's name clearly on the envelope.
All monies should be received by the school on/before Friday 30 November.
Please note that if your child is absent from school, the milk will not be kept for the next day for reasons of storage and freshness. The fridge will be emptied of any unclaimed milk at the end of each day.
Child's Name: __________________________
Class Teacher: __________________________
Amount Enclosed: __________________________
Signed: _____________________________________