Poster Competition - sponsored by Parents Association
Thank you to all the Children who entered the SAFETY COMPETITION by drawing a poster. We had a great response to this and hopefully it has helped to deliver the message to everyone about the importance of walking with your bicycles/scooters from the school gate. This Competition is now closed and the open draw for the bicycle, kindly donated by Fingal County Council, will take place at the Christmas Fair this Sunday. We will announce the individual class winners and runners up within the next week or so. The Parents Association has funded the prizes for first and second place in each class.
School Milk Scheme
Payment for the remainder of the school year is now due. We have extended the last day for accepting payment to Wednesday 05 December. Please ensure your child's name, their teacher's name and "School Milk" are on the outside of the envelope, together with payment by cheque/postal order or bank draft of €17.50 made out to "St Patrick's N.S". Please do not send cash.
Junior Infant Christmas Shows
The Junior Infant classes are getting ready for their Christmas Show "Whoops-a-Daisy Angel" (dates below). Performances begin at approximately 12.15pm for parents and friends. More details will be available nearer the time.
Wednesday 12 December Ms Collins' class
Thursday 13 December Ms Barr's class
Friday 14 December Ms M O'Reilly
Christmas Carol Service
On Thursday 20 December at 1.10pm - 2.10pm, the school choir will sing a collection of Christmas Carols in Courtyard 1. Everyone is welcome to attend and to join in.
Interactive Whiteboards
Interactive Whiteboards have been installed in the two Fifth Classes and one of the Fourth Classes. We hope to be in a position to purchase more Interactive Whiteboards next year. The eventual aim is that there will be an Interactive Whiteboard in each classroom.
First Aid Training
A Defibrillator is now available for use by the school and the community centre. A number of members of staff were trained this week in CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and in the use of the Defibrillator.
School Milk Scheme - January to June 2008
For those of you who have an interest in availing of the School Milk Scheme next year, please send a cheque/postal order only, made payable to "St Patrick's N.S." for €17.50 to cover the cost of the milk from Christmas to Summer.
Please complete the form below and return it, with payment in an envelope to your child's class teacher. Please write "School Milk", your child's name and class teacher's name clearly on the envelope. Please do not send cash.
All monies should be received by the school on/before Wednesday 05 December.
Please note that if your child is absent from school, the milk will not be kept for the next day for reasons of storage and freshness. The fridge will be emptied of any unclaimed milk at the end of each day.
Child's Name: __________________________
Class Teacher: _________________________
Amount Enclosed: ______________________
Signed: ________________________________