A very special welcome to all our students, and to new staff members, Ms McDermott, Mr Thynne, Mr Monaghan, Mr Roache, Mr MacConámha and Mr Heneghan. Best wishes to all our Junior Infants and new children starting on Monday 01 September.
Staff Meeting
A Staff Meeting will take place on Monday 08 September. All children, excluding Junior Infants, will go home at 12.00noon. Junior Infants will go home at 11.30am. The full day (i.e. 08.30am to 1.10pm) for Junior Infants will commence from Monday 15 September.
Labelling/Lost Property
The chances of returning lost property are greatly increased if items are clearly labelled with your child’s name. There is a tremendous amount of lost property in the school ranging from hats and gloves to coats and uniform items. Any items not reclaimed by Friday 12 September will be donated to charity or disposed of.
Healthy Lunch Policy
We operate a Healthy Lunch Policy in the school. Fizzy drinks, crisps or sweets are not permitted. On Friday, children are allowed one treat, e.g. a bar. Please help us maintain the health of our children by following the guidelines in the booklet.
Hand Towels
We request that every child brings a small hand towel/facecloth to dry his/her hands after using the WC. This should be kept in a school bag pocket and changed regularly.
Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents’ mobile numbers) for your child on our database. If any of your details have changed over the summer, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form as soon as possible.
Extras Fees
Details of amounts and payment methods will be advised in next Friday’s Weekly Newsletter.
Jersey Day Collection
Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to the Jersey Day Collection in June. A total of €612 was raised. This will go some way towards the purchase of hurling equipment for the school.
Extra Curricular Activities – All Registrations will take place in the
Stage Area off the PE hall.
Art & Craft
Art & Craft workshops will resume for Term 1 on Monday 22 September for 10 Weeks – 2.10 – 3.45pm. Enrolment will take place on Monday 15 September at 2.10pm. All enquiries to Blathnaid (B.Ed {Hons}) 087 4123247.
DramaWorks (Speech & Drama)
New Term of DramaWorks will begin on Wednesday 10 September. Registration will take place on Tuesday 02 September from 1.10pm- 2.30pm. For further details, contact Clodagh Ryan directly on 086 3736056
Speech & Drama (Liz Brennan)
Speech and Drama classes with Liz Brennan and Jessica Plunkett will re-commence on Thursday 11th September at 1.15 – 2.00pm for Junior & Senior infants and 2.10 – 3.10pm for Older classes. Fees for Term of 13 weeks are as follows: Junior & Senior infants - €125 per term; Older classes- €150 per term. Registration will take place on Thursday 4 September from 1.15pm – 2.30pm. For further details, contact Liz Brennan directly on 086 2245113.
Swimming Lessons
Re-registration for existing and any new children will be from 08.30 – 09.30am on Friday 19 September. Fees must be paid directly to Lucy McDonnell or Christine Bolton in full on Registration day. Fees are as follows: €90 for 1 child, €175 for 2 children per 10 week course. There are a limited number of spaces available for beginners. All levels are catered for. Lane classes for all our advanced swimmers are at 3.30pm, 4.15pm and 5.00pm. Any new children wishing to join should contact Lucy directly on 086 4029792 in advance of registration to organise a time slot (spaces permitting). The first lesson of this term is on Monday 29 September in the National Aquatic Centre. Time slots are 3.30pm-4.10pm; 4.15pm – 4.55pm; 5.00pm – 5.40pm.
Downey Lanigan Academy of Irish Dance
Registration will take place on Tuesday 02 September at 11.15am for Junior Infants at 1.10 – 2.10pm for all other classes. For further details, contact Bernie Downey directly on 087 6204772.
Castleknock GAA Nursery resumes this weekend. The Football starts on Saturday at 10am for both boys and girls at Tir na nÓg (Beside Castleknock Community College). On Sunday the hurling resumes at Laurel Lodge at 10am. The Camogie nursery is on every Monday at 6-7pm beside CCC. New Members are more than welcome. For any information please contact Brendan Phelan on 085-1329397.
Nursery Meeting A meeting has been arranged for Tuesday September 2nd at 8.30pm in St Patrick’s N.S. for all nursery mentors, helpers and anyone wishing to get involved. The meeting will touch all strands of the nursery (Hurling/Camogie and football) so it’s vital that all mentors attend.