Extras Fee
Information regarding the Extras Fee will be distributed to all children early next week. We would ask that you please use the envelope provided to return your Extras Fee and please return directly to the Class Teacher of your eldest child. Please do not drop envelopes into the office.
Dropping Off/Collection Procedure
For their safety, children should be dropped at/collected from the school side of the road only. Please do not let your child exit/enter the car anywhere except in the designated area. At collection time, please do not beckon to your child to cross the road to you. All traffic must go around the roundabout in order to exit the school avenue. Please do not make a U-Turn on the school avenue.
Please also note that parents are not permitted to park in the Staff Car Park when dropping or collecting children. Parking is for staff members only. If you are returning to the school to drop off forgotten lunches, schoolbags, etc., we would ask that you park in the bus stop area and enter via the Pedestrian Gate.
Wanted – Parent Helpers
As the number of pupils in the school is increasing at such a rapid rate, we anticipate an ongoing need for “helping hands”. If you are available and would like to help, please leave your details on the sheet on the Parents Information Notice Board inside the main door of the school.
School Text Books
If you have second-hand Text Books which you no longer need, the school will be happy to put them to good use. Please do not send in books that are in poor condition or workbooks that have been filled in.
Homework Club
Homework Club will take place from Monday to Thursday from 2.10pm – 3.10pm in Blue Room 1 and is available to 2nd to 6th Class pupils. The cost is €5 per day per child and is payable in advance. Cheques should be made payable to St Patrick’s N.S. Application Forms are available from the Parents Information Notice Board. Children attending Homework Club should go to Line 7 and will be collected by their Homework Club teacher at 2.10.
Labelling/Lost Property
The chances of returning lost property are greatly increased if items are clearly labelled with your child’s name. There is a tremendous amount of lost property in the school ranging from hats and gloves to coats and uniform items. Any items not reclaimed by Friday 12 September will be donated to charity or disposed of.
Extra Curricular Activities
Art & Craft
Art & Craft workshops will resume for Term 1 on Monday 22 September for 10 Weeks – 2.10 – 3.45pm. Enrolment will take place on Monday 15 September at 2.10pm. All enquiries to Blathnaid (B.Ed {Hons}) 087 4123247.
Krafty Kids Arts and Crafts Classes
Based on the strands of the National Curriculum. New terms commences 17 September, Wednesdays 4 to 5pm (room beside sports hall). Suitable for children from 4years upwards. Tiger Club children welcome. For info and bookings, please contact Patricia directly on 8213073 or Sheelagh directly on 8203164.
Basketball Registration sheets for 2nd – 6th Class will be on the Parents Information Notice Board at Reception from Monday 08 September. Places will be given on a “first come first served basis”. Please see Notice Board for details of times, days, fees, etc.
Swimming Lessons
Re-registration for existing and any new children will be from 08.30 – 09.30am on Friday 19 September. Fees must be paid directly to Lucy McDonnell or Christine Bolton in full on Registration day. Fees are as follows: €90 for 1 child, €175 for 2 children per 10 week course. There are a limited number of spaces available for beginners. All levels are catered for. Lane classes for all our advanced swimmers are at 3.30pm, 4.15pm and 5.00pm. Any new children wishing to join should contact Lucy directly on 086 4029792 in advance of registration to organise a time slot (spaces permitting). The first lesson of this term is on Monday 29 September in the National Aquatic Centre. Time slots are 3.30pm-4.10pm; 4.15pm – 4.55pm; 5.00pm – 5.40pm.
DramaWorks new term will commence on Wednesday 10 September. Places are still available for Junior & Senior Infants and First Class upwards. For further details, contact Clodagh 086 3736056.