2nd Parents Meeting for Holy Communion
The second meeting for parents in the Programme for Preparation for First Holy Communion will be held in St Mochta's Parish Pastoral Centre on Tuesday 20th January, 2009 at 8pm. Please ensure that at least one parent or guardian attends this meeting.
First Holy Communion & Confirmation Dates
A reminder that the dates for First Holy Communion are:
09 May 2008 10.00am - Mr Heneghan 12.00noon - Ms Threadgold
16 May 2008 10.00am - Ms Murray 12.00noon - Ms McDermott
Confirmation will take place on Monday 25 May.
Access to Classrooms After Hours
With the exception of those attending Extra Curricular Activities, children are not permitted to re-enter the classroom after 2.10pm. If in an absolute emergency (forgotten books and general belongings is not an emergency!) a child needs to gain access to his/her classroom outside school hours, the following procedure must be followed:
All school personnel have been made aware of this procedure and have been asked to ensure it is followed. This procedure has been put in place to prevent further loss or damage to school property.
Collection Procedures
School policy is that children are to return to the building if their collector does not arrive. They have been informed not to stand outside school for more than 10 minutes and preferably to remain inside the school gates during this period. If your arrangement is to meet your child off the school premises, please ask them to return to the school after 10mins if you have not yet arrived. If there is any change to their normal schedule, such as an Extra Curricular Activity being cancelled, they may make a phone call home from Reception. Please inform the organiser of any Extra Curricular Activity of the collection arrangements for your child. The school office remains open until 2.30pm but there are always members of the school community, e.g. Principal, Deputy Principal, Community Centre staff, Tigers staff, etc., in the building after this time who can assist your child in an emergency. The school regularly reminds children of these arrangements. It is important that you do likewise.
Tigers After School Care
We have been informed by Tigers After School Care that the following spaces are available: 2 x Fulltime Spaces, 1 x One hour Space and 1 x Homework Club Space.
For more details, please contact Tracy directly at 086 2253781.
Meeting with Teachers
All questions / queries re school should be directed initially to the class teacher. Please contact the school secretary to make an appointment. (For safety reasons it is not possible for class teachers to meet with parents or take phone calls during class time). Parents of Infant children may be able to have a quick informal word with the class teacher when collecting their child at home time.
Extra Curricular Activities
Any queries related to Extra Curricular Activities should be directed to the Organiser of the Activity.
Contact details are available on our school website.
Art & Crafts
Art & Crafts will resume on Monday 19 January for 10 weeks until Easter. Some places are available for new term. All enquiries to Blaithnaid at 087 4123247.
Speech and Drama classes (Mime, Movement, Creative Drama, Games, Storytelling, Voice-work and Poetry) for Junior and Senior Infants will commence next Wednesday 21 January from 1.10pm at the school. For further information contact Clodagh on 086 3736056 before Wednesday 21st January.
Soccer Training
Soccer will take place on Monday from 2.10 to 3.10pm. Only Fifth Class students who have signed up should attend. Please line up at Line 5 outside the Diswellstown Door.
Traditional Irish Music Classes
Information regarding the above is available from beside the Parent Information Notice Board.