Best Wishes to Ms O'Malley & Ms Barrin's Classes who are making their Confirmation on Monday 25 May.
Confirmation Photographs
Photographs of Confirmation Children will be taken on Tuesday 26 May. Order forms have already been distributed to the children. Please ensure forms are completed and returned with payment on Tuesday 26 May if you wish to have your child's photograph taken.
Confirmation Ceremony
We request that confirmation children and their families be in their seats by 10.45am on Monday morning.
Junior Infant Sports Day
The Junior Infant "Sport for All" Fun Day will take place (weather permitting) on Wednesday 03 June from 10.45-11.45am. Parents are welcome to come along if they wish.
School Sports Kit - URGENT
If any children still have a School Sports Kit at home, can they please return them to school ASAP? The kits will be needed by those children representing the school at Morton Stadium, Santry on 03 June (13 children) and 09 June (48 children).
Annual Cumann na mBunscol Athletics Events, Santry June 2009
Can all those children selected to represent the school at this year's competition please bring/wear running shoes to school each day? Training will occur during school hours as much as possible. However, there may be times when children are requested to train after school. Parents will be informed should this be the case.
Basketball Blitz
"This week our Basketball Club played a blitz with St Francis Xavier's N.S. We all had great fun!" Andrew - 6th class/Emma 2nd class
Annual Diocesan Eucharistic Procession
The Annual Diocesan Eucharistic Procession will take place in the grounds of Holy Cross College, Clonliffe Road on Thursday 11 June at 7.30pm. All First Communion Class pupils, teachers and parents are welcome to attend.
Rubella (German Measles)
There has been a case of Rubella in one of the First Classes. A letter has been sent home with all children in the individual class.
Should any families be happy to donate schoolbooks which they no longer need, to the school, we would be delighted to receive them on the last day of term. School uniform items in very good condition will also be accepted.
Collections during School Day
If you need to collect your child during the school day, please do not do so during yard time (10.20-10.30am and 12.00-12.30pm) as children must be signed out through the main office before leaving the premises. Children are not permitted to leave the classroom until a parent/guardian has arrived at Reception to collect them. Your cooperation in this matter would be very much appreciated.
Moving House?
If you are moving house and your child will not be returning to St Patrick's in the new school year, it is vital that you make contact with the class teacher or the Main Office as soon as possible as it will be necessary for you to complete a Transfer Form. We have a large number of children on waiting lists for all classes and we would like to be able to contact these parents as soon as possible.
Contact Details
It is essential that we have the correct address and contact details (e.g. home telephone, parents' mobile numbers) for your child on our database in order for you to receive your child/children's school reports, end of year letters, etc or to make contact with you if your child should fall ill during the school day. If any of your details have changed since the beginning of the school year, please complete a Change of Address/Contact Details Form, available from the office.
NPC - Bullying Information Evening
The Dublin North West Branch of the National Parents Council (NPC) has arranged a Bullying Information Evening for Parents. The evening is being hosted in Scoil Thomáis N.S., Laurel Lodge on Monday 25 May 2009 from 8.00pm to 10.00pm.
Extra Curricular Activities
Over the coming weeks, any information we receive regarding local summer camps and sports activities will be posted on or beside the
Parent Information Notice Board.
Diswellstown Junior Summer Camp
There are a number of spaces still available for Junior Summer Camp. Please drop your completed application form, together with payment, in to the office marked For the Attention of Ms Quinn. Senior Summer Camp is FULL.
Tigers After School Care "Summer Camp"
There are spaces still available for Tigers Summer Camp from 27 July to 28 August. For more information, please contact Tigers directly on 086 2253781.
Summer Music Camp
Summer Music Camp will take place from Monday 13th - Friday 17th July 2009 from 9:30am to 1pm. To book a place please ring 087 3156340 and leave a message or fill in form given out during the week. The cost is €95 per child (10% discount for siblings). Details of camp content are on the Parent Information Notice Board. Course Directors: Geraldine Meade and Jenny O'Connor.