St. Patrick's National School, Diswellstown, Castleknock.

Email: Phone: 01 824 9930 Fax: 01 824 9928

Address: Diswellstown Road, Castleknock, Dublin 15, D15 PH21.

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Parents' Association News - Archived

Supporting Parents to Support their Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

Parents/Guardians, have you registered your interest in attending the above NPC talk to be held in SPNS, hosted by your PA? Due to a great response, I’m happy to inform you that it will be going ahead on Monday 25th May. If you have not contacted us, can you please Email our PA Email Address ASAP, to register your interest (we’d like to know numbers). The talk will take 2 hours. As I’m sure that there will be a discussion afterwards, I hope you’ll agree that a 7.30PM start would be best. Thanks!

Mary Galvin, SPNS Parents’ Association NPC Rep.

NPC’s Special Interest Group Meeting

Please see note attached to this email with full information regarding the NPC Special Interest Group Meeting.